Take a look at these ridiculous dresses from Tom Fords 2013 fall ready-to-wear line.
Do they remind you of anything?
Do they remind you of anything?
Were you going to say, Harry Nilssons 1971 animated film The Point!?
Um, yeah, of course, its the exact same thing:
Um, yeah, of course, its the exact same thing:

Incredible. Honestly, I just saw this movie for the first time. Our friends Matt and Heather lent it to me last I was in Ohio, and we watched it with Felix just the other day. I loved it--it reminded me of The Phantom Tollbooth, and also School House Rock, and Charlie Brown a little, too. Have you ever seen it? Obviously, all the music is by Harry Nilsson, animation by Fred Wolf--and in the version we watched, Ringo Starr, of Thomas the Tank Engine fame, is the narrator! And hes funny, too. It was really good!
It was really good, but. I wouldnt want to look like any of the people in it! For some reason, the count reminds me of the villain from this My Little Ponies video I used to watch at my mothers house--whose cast, I just found out , includes Danny DeVito as Grundle King, which after having only seen him as Frank on IASIP (and as an over-the-hill male stripper who sort of ruins Pheobes bachelorette party in this one episode of Friends I saw a few times in England over the summer) is sort of disturbing.
My Little Pony, as it turns out (the original, eighties version, not the weird action/bratz-y looking revamp I just found out about on youtube a few moments ago) still sings a song to my heart, deep down. Their crazy silly names (locket, north star, twilight), the flowing pink and purple hair, the wings, their apparently serious quests to places like Cloud Castle, everything.
And look at the crystal eyes on this one. Enchanting. I think I really had one like that, you know!
But what I mean really is that whole look: fanciful beasts and creatures in easter pastels floating around a hyper-idyllic landscape--and beyond, into the clouds! Like Beethovens Pastoral Symphony in the 1940 Disney film Fantasia, which was always my very favorite part:
Anyway, back to the Point! I first saw those dresses (remember??) before I saw the film, and I thought, omg theyre ugly. Or at least, I didnt understand them. But at least, now, I get the reference. The only question is, does he?? Tom Ford, that is. Did he see it when he was a kid? The Point! I mean. Is he referencing it subconsciously? Or is that secretly exactly what he meant for it to look like? I wonder if hes ever even seen the movie! How will we ever know? And what do you think about the dresses themselves? Obviously, I hate them. Do You?
My Little Pony, as it turns out (the original, eighties version, not the weird action/bratz-y looking revamp I just found out about on youtube a few moments ago) still sings a song to my heart, deep down. Their crazy silly names (locket, north star, twilight), the flowing pink and purple hair, the wings, their apparently serious quests to places like Cloud Castle, everything.
And look at the crystal eyes on this one. Enchanting. I think I really had one like that, you know!
But what I mean really is that whole look: fanciful beasts and creatures in easter pastels floating around a hyper-idyllic landscape--and beyond, into the clouds! Like Beethovens Pastoral Symphony in the 1940 Disney film Fantasia, which was always my very favorite part:
Anyway, back to the Point! I first saw those dresses (remember??) before I saw the film, and I thought, omg theyre ugly. Or at least, I didnt understand them. But at least, now, I get the reference. The only question is, does he?? Tom Ford, that is. Did he see it when he was a kid? The Point! I mean. Is he referencing it subconsciously? Or is that secretly exactly what he meant for it to look like? I wonder if hes ever even seen the movie! How will we ever know? And what do you think about the dresses themselves? Obviously, I hate them. Do You?
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