
cabbage patch kid

I don't care what they say--gradskool is hard! Like srsly. You may or may not have noticed that I've been having trouble keeping up with you, my sweetbabychildren. It's the story of my whole entire life right now. I can't even keep up with my magazine subscriptions! Consequently, this next is from the October issue of Vogue, so you may have already seen it, but please excuse me and let's talk about it anyway, because I've been staring at it for days. 

What is up with Natalia Vodianova? I've loved every single editorial she's ever been in, so I've probably said this exact same sentence before, but this time I really mean it: I want this story, by Annie Leibovitz, to be my entire life forever. Geese and all. Talk about autumnautical, amirite?! Actually, it's almost eerily similar to that story Leibovitz did with Adam Driver and Daria Werbowy two years ago, but that's just fine with me--I wish everything looked like this! Too too perfect. Plus I'm pretty sure I'd wear every single piece of clothing featured, which is not something I say very often.  

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