
electric slides

While the outfits themselves are a little too Susie-Bubble-meets-Gwen-Stefani-Circa-1998 for me to imagine actally wearing them, the best part about this editorial--which I saw on the Wildfox blog but about which I know nothing (except that thats Anniek Kortleve with the cool hair, looking sullen)--are, obviously, those nike slide sandals! This may sound stupid, and may actually be stupid, but Ive secretly always wanted a pair! Such a nonchalant, sporty rich-kid afterthought of an accessory, but so appealing to me for all the reasons I just mentioned. I assume it was my (very) modest upbringing that leads me to covet these logo-beladen accoutrements, but thats fodder for another post entirely. Actually, the kids at my jr. high school (the last place I remember seeing these shoes worn with any regularity) favored the adidas equivalent, but it makes no matter to me. But I think I prefer the Nike. 

These belong on the list of effortlessly, confidently, so-what-theyre-ugly cool-girl shoes, alongside Celines hideously controversial fur-lined pool sliders and Ashley Olsens trusty leather birkenstocks, the latter of which Ive also always secretly wanted, albeit in a different model. Sort of an emperors-new-clothing situation, wherein, in this case, the perceived ugliness of a piece belies its retail value, baffling those who couldnt afford it and awarding an apparently higher, more refined sense of aesthetic appreciation to those who can. You know what I mean? Though of course, comfort and function both have a part to play in the decision to purchase any of these. And not that either birkenstocks or nike slides are exorbitantly expensive (good luck convincing my parents to spend twenty-to-fifty dollars on an unnecessary pair of brand-name sandals fifteen years ago) but you get the point. Also contributing to the appeal of these shoes are their pseudo-Zori vibe, which I obviously dig, and the charming, shuffle-y gait they impose when worn. 

images via i♥wildfox, style.com & capture the castle

1 comment:

  1. And not that either birkenstocks or nike slides are exorbitantly expensive (good luck convincing my parents to spend twenty-to-fifty dollars on an ... nikeslides.blogspot.com
